Sunday, July 25, 2010


My favourite time of the day, definitely. Sometimes I would just laze around, waiting for the sun to rise, for dawn never fails to bring hope of a new approaching day.

So, my weekend was pretty full, so is next weekend, and the next one too. Can hardly believe that I am going to the second week of EBM. What bothers me most is that I am so not ready to proceed to clinicals just yet. Heeeeeee. Oh well, life goes on.... As usual.

So yea, adik was in this British Parliamentary Debate held in KDU and I spent my whole weekend there. It was fun, though she did not win. It's the first time she ever competed in a debate *outside school* and I think she did pretty well. Fyd and I were trying to rebut all the points given by both teams, and we had so much fun. Haha. I miss debate, I miss being in high school altogether. Sigh.

Oh, we went to Fyd's house for a kenduri too. =)

I'm devastated, the End Of Season outlet in Damansara Jaya is no longer there. When was the last time I went there anyway? More than one year ago I'd reckon. Sigh.

I'm looking forward for a nice shopping day somewhere around next week or the coming week. I went shopping for my kitchen stuff and hair products today, apparels can wait =)

It's almost August now. And Ramadhan is approaching too. Real fast. Haven't got any baju raya yet. I'll be having a ONE day holiday afterall, so I'm not really looking forward for anything right now. Quoting Prof Y "You have to learn how to survive as this is what you will go through when you are housemen." Sad. Huuuu. Mummy called, she bought a ticket on Wednesday. Guess I'll be skipping one day of class. Haha. The Mecca trip is still under discussion as most of us are not sure if we can 3 days off or not. Sigh.

Oh well, week 2 EBM, here I come.

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