Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Back to December

Life is not a fairy tale. Its not a drama, a sketch that could be replayed over and over again. It doesn't have a fixed script, people don't abide to the script, and the laws been broken all the time.

December is coming to an end. The year has been... eventful.

Heartbreaks, hearts mended. Love lost, love gained. New people, new friends, new environment. New trustee. Friends /acquaintances remain, leave, come, go, reappear and just don't care. Well, spell it with me folks, L.I.F.E

I just love this song by Taylor Swift. I just got hold of her latest album - SPEAK NOW - and as usual it is A.W.E.S.O.M.E! You should really watch this performance by her at the CMA Awards 2010, simple incredible!!! Such talent! I wish I would have the guts to perform like that in front of an audience. I don't think I can even play the piano anymore!!! Haven't touch it in ages!!!

Some people might just see Taylor Swift as a young teenage girl that is pathetic not able to move on by writing songs about every bad relationship she had. But to me, it is a way of expressing yourself!~ Heeee...

I was in Pavilion last week, looking at the Christmas decorations. B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L ! Red, white, gold and green everywhere! Had a great date with dearest Era and there's nothing more I could ask for! =)

I have a new look! Haha. Not so new, just new-new. My ultimate new look will be on my sister's engagement day. Hahahahhaha. IF I get permission from mummy. Please mummy, please. Hehehe.. *by new look, I mean new hair!* hahahahhahaha.. Fine, its just new color. Hahahah.

Oh well, I still have a few days till the holiday ends, and apparently I'm using them very wisely! Haha.

I've posted everything that the electives and exchange office in King's College required, and now I'm proceeding to my indemnity and insurance. However, I found out that I have to be a member of the MMA first. Haih. That means another trip to the city tomorrow to get everything done, again. Then, I need to see that person who I need to deal with for my insurance. And then, I need to go see the engagement setting. See, I'm using my holidays to the max! =D

I also went to visit my grandpa's eldest sister. She had a seizure attack at 4am and is currently really unwell. Being 101 years old, my grandpa expected the worst. Her body temperature has spiked up and she's not tolerating orally well. I hope whatever happens next would be the best for her. I've never had the chance to really know her. I see her only during occasions such as Eid. But I know, if she passes on, it will definitely break my grandpa's heart. She's all he has left. His other siblings has already passed on before them. Being the youngest, he's quite sensitive. I pray everything will be fine, and the best for everyone... And I hope I will never forget the way it feels when she holds my hand...

When the world gets darker and things seems so be so difficult, this little smile would definitely make it up..

I really should start studying psychiatry. I was told that the exams were super tough, and I really don't wanna be left behind. Haha. Right. Going shopping again tomorrow. I need a new notebook! Heeeee!~

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