Sunday, June 26, 2011


.. almost the starting of the second week of paediatrics, my first posting for my final year..

Nothing much to comment about, I'm just glad that I'm in a group with a mixture of different personalities - from nerds to jokers. And I'm enjoying every minute of it. Especially with Era around =)

Something really bad happened last week, but I can't share it here. Just let me say don't contact me on BBM/whatsapp till further notice. Huhu..

On the third day, I was already assessed for my long case. I couldn't sleep the whole night!!!!!! But now it is over, I should hit the study gear. Hehe

Ohhhh... Mummy and daddy are back! It is an *almost* full house for almost the whole week. Something is bugging me, at the back of my mind. But not to be addressed no. Thank you =P

And I have to write a special entry for a special princess =)

28 weeks to professional exam 2
19 days to kakak's wedding

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