Thursday, June 16, 2011


Many a times in life you tell yourself that people just don't understand you, that you are different from others, that you are just being who you are. You tell those close to you that it is what you think is right, and everything you did had a purpose.

And at that very same time you question why can't people see it your way, and just try to be in your shoes for a change. You wonder what is so wrong about the way you think or act, and you want everyone to think just like you. Do the things you do, say yes to the things you like, no to the things you don't like, smile to your friends and hate your enemies.

But have you tried to look into another person's eyes and see it their way??

No. No one has. I haven't.

I may say I lead a more difficult life than yours, and you can say the same thing. In the end, we will just be arguing over and over about the same thing, without an ending. And where will that put us? One will win, one will lose. But what does it mean?

Self satisfaction will only go so far, as in the end you realize that you are still alone.

I know for a fact that it is not easy to accept. Found out something, and the next thing you know is you're digging for more answers.

I'm learning the hard way to accept someone's past. It is not just by saying sorry. How would you know what you did then will be something you regret today? Knowing how difficult it is to be honest about actions in the past is the first step.

People make mistakes all the time. So do I.

Accepting that people are different from you is the most difficult of all. But most important is to have a stand in life, not to just follow the direction the wind blows. People are different, in every single way imaginable. And it doesn't make them bad people, just, different.

I am for a fact glad I had to undergo all this. It is not easy, but I'll make it though, step by step. Sometimes I take a pause, sometimes I slow down, but I'm not going backwards.

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