Thursday, February 21, 2013

Losing Weight

I believe that it is if not all but most people's wish to lose weight and maintain a slim and nice body. Not just to look good, but also to maintain our health as by the looks of it, the incidence of metabolic syndrome in the young along with young hypertension and diabetes mellitus has become so rampant it is not even surprising anymore. Almost every other day I would be seeing a school boy by the age of 15-17 with hypertension and underlying metabolic syndrome. It is really sad as it is actually a condition which you can control and manage. Being fat isn't in the genes, it is a choice.

Anyway, that is for normal people, or what I would think a few months back. Being pregnant it is essential for me to gain the right amount of weight. Not too much, but just right, in order to keep myself going each day.

The problem right now is that I am not gaining anything since I got pregnant! Worst, today someone just asked me, "Hey, when did you deliver?" That means I look really-really slim, even slimmer than when I announced about my pregnancy.

I spent 4 days in Kelantan recently, indulging myself with all the possible food that I've been craving for so long. Good thing is, I did not vomit even once in Kelantan until my last day at the airport, thinking I must have gain a certain amount of weight, and boy I was wrong. Sigh.

Tomorrow I'll be starting a new posting. It will definitely keep me busy but I need to find ways to gain an appropriate amount of weight and make it maintain in my body till baby is born. Maybe I should talk to my obstetrician during my appointment in a few weeks time.

I just hope for now Allah will protect both of us, and the daddy as well :) And may our next posting be smooth, better than the previous one :)

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