Saturday, September 17, 2011

I Need

Somebody to turn to when everything goes wrong
When I am lost, and I can't find my way back
When I need to spill out what I feel
And to tell me everything is gonna be alright.

I need to talk
To be listened to

Even just for a moment

Sometimes it is good to argue, but please don't be mr-fix-it-all as that is not what I want.

Parenting is not an easy job, and it needs more than just assuming that your child is okay. I know I'm not a mother, well, I'm not even married yet. But making a decision for someone is difficult, especially when it is a big one.

No one makes decisions to destroy you, especially family.

Sometimes you don't know what's the best for you, and what you want might not be it.

Feeling so much pain I could write a song about. Lolz

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