Monday, January 4, 2010

Just like the sky

You're predictable, and it's kinda cute when you think you are not. *random*

Look up! The sky so blue, decorated with clouds in various shapes and sizes. Look closer. It's actually a story, books with pictures. You can read it, try to enjoy it. Or just ignore it, and not appreciate it's words. It could be the words to your soul too. Maybe it's just like you, trying to hide your story behind the abstract shapes and colours of your soul, but shines right through your eyes.

Sometimes you may think that people do not know who you are, that you are in your own shell. You build a wall around you to not let yourself get hurt, to avoid from being judge and to keep yourself in control.

The when you open up, you get scared. You worry about what will happen if the wall breaks and fall apart. What will happen if you let people in to view your world and the world in your point of view.

That is when you will know the beauty of love...

Love comes with a thousand sufferings and one pleasure, but why do people still fight for that one pleasure rather than to give up to the thousand sufferings? I wish I had the answer...

Being egoistic is not really something that will let you in easily in the end, cause it will only break you more into pieces when you know the reason is gone....

Getting really tired lately. *yawn*

1 comment:

Ad- said...


nice entry..
=)read the little girl's experience to answer the que...hope that helps
