If it's not enough to hurt someone with actions when actions can be louder than words, try hurting using your words when it can rip someone's soul, a place where a knife nor a bullet can damage.
Sometimes, things are better left unsaid than to be revealed, are better kept a secret than to be shared, are better to be forgotten than to dwell upon.
It's hard to deny a feeling that is so strong inside you, when your heart is screaming to be heard. To be listened to, and embraced.
Uncertainties, yet too depressing to admit. Trying hard to guess what tomorrow will bring, even if it would be just like trying to count the stars in the sky.
You hate when someone lies to you, you hate when you are hurt. But why is it right when it all comes to you?
I whisper to the moon,
Return me my lover, my soul, my heaven,
Without him, my days turn to nights,
Without him, my tears will never dry
Sun, don't rise
Let the days be embraced with darkness
Let it weep, and sob and wail
Let it feel my pain
Let it be lonely
Just like me

Don't say what you never mean to say, don't feel guilty for leaving. Cause sometimes by leaving you are actually doing a favor for all of us.
Why can't life be as simple as reading a book, if you are so excited or eager to find out the ending, you can just jump to the end and find out.
Rules have been stated, words have been said.
Can't the day pass without one day of the loneliness succumb deep inside? Can't the sun warm the coldness that envelops the heart and freezes the soul.
Given a chance, I would not want to wake up tomorrow.
If it hurts too much, just go.
Just go, and don't ever look back.
Don't look back to see the tears that fall because of you...
If one day you find out that you missed me, and you realized that your feelings for me are true.
Yet you look for me and never find me at the place where I used to be.
I'm sorry for leaving, I just wanted you to move on.
Living on a life you could never have if you stayed with me.
Forever will come to an end, eternity will never come true.
Don't dwell on your loss, don't fight for the truth.
If I'm not there, it's just not meant to be.
For now, just leave...
I knew you never wanted to stay...
ps: Gosh, this is the result of being in such a boring class *yawn*