Friday, July 24, 2009

Moods Emotions and People

I was having breakfast in a stall when I noticed a family of five walking in. The mother looked oh so radiant, probably happy to bring out the whole family together, the eldest son looks sleepy, so as his two younger sisters and the father looked as if he just came out from a hospital or something - extremely tired, exhausted and annoyed. Then my dad asked me, "How do you differentiate if someone is nice or not?" I obviously had my own arguments - helps you out, cares about you, says hi and all of those stuff. But he says that it takes one more step to become someone nice, it takes patience. The fact stunned me as I know patience is important, but I never knew that it could be a measuring point between bad and nice.

Come to think of it, I think what my dad say is definitely true. Try to imagine someone who is all moody, he or she might be nice, helping out and all, but when he or she is in a bad mood, everything goes haywire. Would you want to live with someone like that? When we grow up, would you want to be scolded by your spouse just because he or she is tired? Seeing them scolding the children who definitely wanted attention at that time. Would you want a boss who is like a hurricane at times and the other times being so radiant like a flower blooming. Yes, unless there is something to be scolded about, I think everyone should try their best tp put their patience level to a max. It is no harm at all, in fact, it would make many people like you more and the easier for you to communicate with people.

I know for a fact as human beings we held thousands of emotions within ourselves. Sometimes we feel happy or sad for no reason at all. That is what is called mood. Mood could be influenced by the environment externally (people, weather etc) or internally (health etc). I know sometimes I do get mad at small things and I usually will feel very bad about it. Sometimes I scold people who are close to me just because I know that they will always love me. There are times when I am stressed out that I will ignore some people and get mad or moody. Now I know that it is wrong, even people who love me sometimes cannot endure it.

I once visited a hospital where the husband was looking after the wife who is in a coma. When asked why he never leaves her even to go back home was simply, "I want to be by her side if some day she wakes up and looks for me." Even after persuaded by their children he does not want to go home. It shows how deep his love is for his wife and he does not want to leave her sight even for a split second. I don't know how this relates to the topic, I just feel like typing it down. One day, along the road I face in life, I would love to have somebody who I know will be there for me no matter what, will stand up for me, will speak up for me and will guide me in life. And I hope I could give the same to that person in return.

This holiday has definitely made me SO LAZY! I've been spending the days literally doing nothing. Another two weeks and I'll be back to books, but this time it will be more interesting (I hope so) as the seniors had told us. Nevermind about that, I do not really know if I am excited or not, haven't decided yet. LOLz. Anyway, I am really up to date with all the sinetrons. Haha.. Very entertaining indeed!!

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