When I was pregnant, if I don't have time to read the Quran I'll just play it while I sleep. Even after she's born, I noticed that she'll be quiet when I pray and making dua. I will always read my dua so that she can hear it too and she'll always smile when I mention her name.
Recently she has been very curious towards everything! Yesterday while Farid was reading the Quran she was jumping excitedly to be with him.
I'm happy to be a mother and not a day goes by that I do not pray to become a better person for her sake. I'm far from perfection and I have a fair share of mistakes, flaws and sins that I have commited along the way. I just pray that I'll be able to improve every single day. I also pray that Aleesya will be a good muslim, be blessed in everything that she does and be rewarded Jannah in the hereafter.