I would say that I find New Moon and Eclipse a bit annoying, but Breaking Down did mend up some of the damage. Oh well.
So last week I went to watch the third installment for this series.
I would say, all the bad reviews actually made me enjoy the movie. Honestly, I was expecting it to be bad, like really-really bad! Haha. But then it was not as bad as I thought it would be, so yea, it was and OK movie to me.
The book didn't really entertain me either, and I thought that maybe Staphenie Meyer was loosing her touch. But Breaking Dawn was OK, and I hope the movie will be an at least OK movie too.
I was at home watching E! when they had this documentary about Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. I found out that how Robert got the role was by making out with Kristen Stewart in front of the director for two hours! No wonder they won "Best Kiss Award"! This reminds me of when the award was first being introduced, the winner was from "The Notebook"'s Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams. =) Oh I just love those two! Huuuu..
I should say that if you don't expect too much, the movie could blow you off your seats. Not saying that I was blown, but it was a nice movie. It could have been worst. Honest. =P
I'm starting Evidence Based Medicine tomorrow, and I have no idea what to do! *counting my last hours in this holiday =(*
eclipse was an amusement to me. but it was surely way better that twilight and new moon. those two were big fat jokes (in my opinion). hehehe
honestly wafaa, I couldn't agree more. Huuu. Who made the script anyway? We should take over =P
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