Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Notebook

Every so often a love story so captures our hearts that it becomes more than a story - it becomes an experience to remember forever. This is a celebration of how passion can be ageless and timeless, a tale that moves us to laughter and tears and makes us believe in true love all over again...

I've seen the movie a million times. Most of my friends have. Nope, I did not watch it in 2004, when it was first released. I learned about it after I read A Walk To Remember, yet then, I was in boarding school and I had no means of getting the CD or even the book. So I waited till I finished school, yes, AFTER my SPM results were out and I finally settled down in Sunway College did I manage to get a hold of the CD and watch it.

It was beautiful, and could still bring tears into my eyes each time I watched it. The love felt between two souls separated by time, distance and destiny, and finally getting back together. It was wonderful, and it touches my heart.

The book on the other hand, touches me in a completely different way, though it still brings tears to my eyes. I read this book after I watched the movie, I do that for most books now, since I realized that it helps me to visualize more, and it makes me understand the movie even more. The movie is like a synopsis, and the book is the elaboration.

There are some quotes in the book which I marked, some pages I folded to remind me where to look if I would want to find those words again.

I've been reading Nicholas Sparks writing for years now, I think I've covered almost all of them, yet they never fail me. The words can be simple, yet deep and drown you into an ocean of emotions and by the end of it, you've completed the whole sail with laughter and tears, all at once!!

'You are the answer to every prayer I've offered. You are a song, a dream, a whisper, and I don't know how I could have lived without you for as long as I have. I love you, more than you can ever imagine. I always have, and I always will.'

Oh I would love to be pampered with such words by a man like Noah. In this story, he seems to be well shaped, content and even confident with himself. He knew what he wanted, and never give up. I would want a man to fight for me, to stand by me, and to support me in every little thing that I would want to do in life.

'In times of grief and sorrow I will hold you and rock you, and take your grief and make it my own. When you cry, I cry, and when you hurt, I hurt. And together we will try to hold back the floods of tears and despair and make through the potholed streets of life.'

I think I should consider a poet. Haha. Nope, I don't want someone who is just simply sweet and good with words, I want someone who means everything he says, keeping his promises and convinces me, even when I am unsecured for almost every second.

'How would it feel, to be always together, yet forever apart?'

For that, no, I don't have the answer. Like night and day, the moon and the sun, always together, yet forever apart. Would it hurt, would it tear you apart? Would it break your very soul and crushed your feelings? I don't know.

This book, this story has made me wonder, if such love truly exists. To love someone, to be able to overcome odds with the person you love, just for a simple explanation - love. Could it be that simple, can love always lead the way, leading you back where you belong, somehow, somewhere to that special someone?

The ending of the movie and the book has been slightly changed for more dramatic effects on the movie. In the book, Sparks explained the moment perfectly, and I wiped the last teardrop on my cheeks. Wonderful.

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