Saturday, April 13, 2013

Flicks & Flickers

Lately Baby has been moving more and more. Most of the time that Baby will be moving is when I lay down to rest, or if I've just started work. I read somewhere that talking to your unborn child will make it accustomed to your voice and it will sooth the baby. So everyday when I wake up I'll wake Baby up as well :) And talk to Baby as we go through the day, like "Let's go to work my dear", or "I'm hungry. Let's look for Papa and find something to eat."

Sometimes I will purposely ask Baby to move, and when Baby does, that is the happiest feeling ever! It is so wonderful to actually feel life from within you!

When I put Farid's hand on my tummy to feel Baby's movements, all he asked me was, "Was that your tummy?" -.-" I understand that those movements are actually very soft still, but it is kinda funny to see Farid's face concentrating really hard to feel the movements. I think because Baby has just learned to wiggle, not to punch yet. Hehe.

I passed the halfway mark in my pregnancy and honestly nowadays am feeling much better about myself and my appetite. I even can eat fish!!! One thing that worries me is my haemoglobin level which is not picking up. The specialist said that I should take the higher end hematinics, and given my nature of work, I think I should. I'm also trying to fill myself with nourishing food most of the time - fruits, salads, vitamins and everything else that is good for Baby's development. It is difficult sometimes as I have to eat out and stuff, but so far it is okay :)

This morning while in the Operation Theatre Baby was super excited. Baby kept on moving causing me to giggle while doing the procedure. Guess someone got a good sleep last night, huh?

I can't wait to hold Baby in my arm. Imagining all the things we'll do together, places we will go. I'm really excited yet nervous for motherhood. But I believe that this is the best for me and I should be prepared. After all, we still have a few months till we can see each other face to face, isn't it sayang?

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