So I wrote an entry entitled If I Had Rapunzel's Hair and posted the link to Nuffnang.
Guess what???!!!! I managed to win myself two tickets to watch the screening of Rapunzel - A Tangled Tale!!!!

The screening was on the 24th of November 2010 at 9.30pm, at The Curve =)

Rapunzel - A Tangled Tale is a movie about a girl, Rapunzel, with 70 feet of long magical golden hair. It is an action packed and hilarious movie with a beautiful soundtrack.
Rapunzel was stolen from her parents when she was a baby, and locked away in a tower where she was raised by the kidnapper like the child of her own. She was told that the outside world was dangerous and that she had to keep herself safe. She believed that it was her real mother, and abide to her rules without question.

Longing for adventure, she made a deal with a handsome bandit, Flynn Rider and together, they set off for an adventure!!!!

This movie is awesome, and I would say it is worth to watch it in 3D!! =) I love the songs sang in it, beautiful. And the storyline is mesmerizing!!!! I think Rapunzel's big green eyes are just pretty!!!!!
This movie is Disney's 50th movie. How cool is that?????
I'm looking forward for a lot of other movies, but in for now, I need to concentrate on my finals which are coming up soon.
Have you watched Rapunzel??